The Prevention Collaborative serves as a trusted resource and ally to women’s rights organisations, civil society groups, international NGOs, donors, and governments—strengthening their ability to deliver cutting-edge prevention programmes informed by research-based evidence, practice-based knowledge, and feminist principles.
Today, there is a wealth of evidence and experience to guide efforts to prevent violence against women, children, and gender minorities. Over the last decade, researchers and civil society organisations have generated hundreds of studies and evaluations documenting insights useful for practice. Despite this, front-line practitioners seldom benefit from this vital information. Often, they do not have the time, access, or expertise to track and interpret emerging evidence.
Our Knowledge Hub curates high-quality, accessible resources for practitioners seeking to reduce violence against women and their children.

Prevention programmes
Evidence-informed prevention programming is relatively new terrain for many women’s rights organisations and civil society groups. For decades, feminists have been at the forefront of protesting violence, raising awareness, and providing sensitive, survivor-centred care for women and their children. But to end violence, we have to go ‘upstream’ to address the interrelated causes of abuse rather than just attend to its consequences.
Our experience is that individuals and organisations need more than one-off trainings to internalise the logic of prevention, examine how gender stereotypes and power operate in their setting, and build prevention strategies that work. To address this reality, the Collaborative engages partners over 18 months in co-created learning journeys facilitated/guided by specially trained prevention mentors.

Donors—especially those in the international development and humanitarian space—have an outsized influence on the vitality of anti-violence movements and community programmes by virtue of the conditions placed on grantees. Unrealistic timelines, funding restrictions, and a lack of sustained support undermine the very prevention goals that donors and advocates seek to advance. The Collaborative works to reform donor policies that work against effective violence prevention and champions calls for more unrestricted support to women’s rights organisations and feminist movements.
Do you want to know more about effective violence prevention? Sign up to our monthly digest, where we will curate and synthesise the latest evidence and learning, delivered straight to your inbox.

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