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Lessons from Virtual Violence Prevention and Response Programmes
2021Oct 11
Given the ongoing pandemic challenges and restrictions, many organisations working on gender or violence prevention are adapting their programming from face-to-face to online or other modalities. Through a moderated discussion, this webinar will share lessons learned from two "virtual" programmes - myPlan and Parenting for Lifelong Health - about how to effectively design and test content and delivery modalities, recruit and retain participants, mitigate risks of harm, and monitor and evaluate their success. Speakers:
  • Professor Nancy Glass, Johns Hopkins
  • Dr. Jamie Lachman, University of Oxford
  • Moa Schafer, University of Oxford
Prevention Collaborative is a global network working to equip ourselves and others to end violence against women and their children. Follow us to find out more! Website: LinkedIn: BlueSky: Facebook:

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Prevention Collaborative

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