What do you need to know before you get started? Understanding the specific context in which a programme will be implemented is the first step in ensuring its success. This includes understanding the nature, causes, and consequences of violence in your context and also the existing global and local evidence on violence prevention. You also need to understand the key stakeholders and existing systems that are important to engage with, as well as your available human and financial resources and capacity.
Gender, Inclusion, Power and Politics Analysis Toolkit
See also Part 2 of the Toolkit which includes templates, tools, and workshop plans.
Political Economy Analysis Toolkit: Tactical Tool
Focuses on understanding the politics and relationships that govern how change happens on specific issues.
Political Economy Analysis Toolkit: Everyday Tool
Can help frontline staff quickly understand the changing political context and make politically informed decisions on a day-to-day basis.
CARE Gender Toolkit: Social and Resource Mapping
Provides activities for understanding gender and power dynamics in context.